Thursday, August 24, 2006

My Pets Have Suffered Along With Me and Two Have Died:

Johannes and Nena. Nena is the smaller one and she is the one that died on the day Hurrican Katrina hit New Orleans.

Frankie is a big boy now.

Frankie as a Kitten.



They died because I could not afford to take them to the vet when they became ill. I cared for them at home the best I knew how.

I do not have a photo loaded on this PC but I do have tons of pictures of her available so I will scan a few of her. She was a beautiful dog with the best of personalities and well behaved too. She was really sweet and so special. I miss that girl so much. Her and Nena both; I raised from an infant puppy feeding them from a bottle and letting them sleep on my chest under a blanket. Life is so unfair. And it is unfair and terrible that Nena and Linda had to pay the price for those freaks at Auto Owners Insurance and their disgusting lawyer. They killed my beloved dogs. It makes me so sad and angry I still cry about it as I am right now. I hate them with my entire being.

When the accident happened I had three dogs; Linda the mother, Johannes the son and Nena the sister and the youngest. I had also rescued Midnight the cat from my son because Brian was abusing the animal. Brian has Autism Spectrum disorder called Asperger's Syndrome. So these kids often abuse animals without meaning to.

So we were a happy family, my son and the three dogs and one cat.

In 2002 during the time I was laid off work (from July 2001 to June 2002) Linda became ill. She was listless and tired. She got up real slow too. I thought it was arthritus. I was wrong. Within five days she was very very sick. I took her to the vet and they had to put her down. Brian and I cried for hours. We felt so bad for her she had been such a sweet dog.

The dogs suffered from day one after the accident. I used to take them out walking daily. Often on the weekends I would take them to this special place on Lake Tillery so they could swim; all three loved swimming. After the accident I never ever took my dogs walking or any place at all. I rarely went out to them in the back yard. I had been knocked down once in Feb. 2000. And to be honest I was afraid of being knocked down and hurt badly by them. They were clumsy and big. Rottweilers; the sweetest dogs I had.

Then last year in the spring Nena became ill too. I tried the home remedies for gastroentritus. Nothing worked. Very quickly she lost weight and became very ill. On the same day Hurrican Katrina hit Nena died. I was alone in the house.

I was very determined to bury her myself in the yard. She was my dog and my responsiblity. It took me hours to dig a hole big enough to contain her. I was very sad about the loss of this sweet girl. She was my favorite as when she was born she was the runt and was not breathing. I had to do mouth to snout on her and she lived. But from that day she was mine because her mother refused to havc antthing to do with her.

The cats have been sick too from time to time but they have survived. Midnight had ear mites and dug his ear up so bad he got a hematoma and the ear is destroyed. It is just a crumpled mess.

Frankie is 14 months old and has never been to the vet. Ashely and Midnight haven't been to the vet in three years. But they are indoor cats so I am not too concerned about diseases. But it would be nice to have them get a check up in case there are parasites. They do have ear mites from time to time and I have to clean their ears out several times a day and put medicine in there. What a hassle. Midnight acts like I am trying to kill him and he claws and bites me.

I feel like such a bad mother to my pets. But I talk to them and tell them we are all in this together, we need each other and we will make it. They love me unconditionally even though they really need to go to the vet. There are shots available that will knock out the ear mites in all three of them but again I don't have the money for that.

I hate Auto Owners Insurance Company and their lawyer Jeff Bolster so much I can't beging to tell you how much I hate those people. They made a conscious decision in order to save money and not pay the right amount of the claim (the policy was worth $200,000) to destroy me and my pet family. And every day I fight them and beat them by staying alive, keeping my pets alive and keeping my home. And they don't know really how terrible my life has become because of their decision. I truly hate them all! With my whole heart.

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