Thursday, August 24, 2006

Copy of Letter Sent to Auto Owners Insurance Company Today:

against me. I think you probably are aware of who I am now. Please pass this along to upper management including Mr. Roger LLoyenda. (sp?)

I have started a blog a few days ago. It is still a rough draft. But I have passed it along to WSOC Channel 9 in Charlotte.

I will be working on it over the next several days; cleaning it up and adding copies of the letters I have sent to your company demanding that your company retify this situation in order to make things right and avoid a lawsuit. I will also be adding photos of me during surgical procedures I had because of the injuries I suffered in the accident. I will be adding photos of my pets; two of whom have died since then because they were sick and I could not afford to take them to the vet. I will be adding photos of my family as well because they have been impacted negatively because of the Bad Faith actions of your company My recent heart attack has frightened them badly. They are also very afraid for me here all by myself and they like me are frustrated that I can't sell my house and move to Atlanta to be close to them. They are afraid that I will die from the damage done to my heart before they can get me home to GA.

I just found out I can sue Auto Owners Insurance Company for Intentional Infliction of Severe Emotional and Financial Distress. It is very much legal in North Carolina and the statute of limitations has not run out.

I also heard about the lawsuit against your company in Florida under Bad Faith Practices and your company lost to the tune of $7 million dollars. Are you going to appeal?

Here is the addie for my blog:

I have only shared it with the tv station but after I get it cleaned up I will publish it and distribute it to as many companies and people that I can reach.

I am still demanding that Auto Owners pay the balance of the claim which is $179,000. When I sue your company under Bad Faith Practices and Intentional Infliction of Severe Emotional and Financial Distrees it will be for a lot more money than $179,000! And this time I won't have to protect my witnesses from your lawyers in court. So I can safely carry this to the end.

You are aware the reason I accepted $21,000 from you under duress and fear of blackmail was the fear of exposure of two of my witnesses who are teachers here in NC and they could have been fired for being homosexual in this state. I was pretty sure there would be media hanging around the courthouse as there usually is. I was protecting my friends. Did Bolster tell you about this?

Your company started a terrible chain of events all of which were meant to destroy me and take away any measure of happiness.

Nancy Ann

PS This letter will be added to my blog before I go to sleep tonight. BTW I am losing Medicaid and Food Stamps at the end of this month. Things suddenly took another turn for the worst.

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